The Excavator Ticket Management (ETM) and Locator Ticket Management (LTM) system was designed with excavators, locators, and underground facilities in mind. The system allows users to quickly review and update all the public locate requests submitted in one easy-to-read dashboard. Let’s dive into some of its features to discover how the ETM/LTM system can help your team.
Features for Easier Management
- Sorting: The ETM/LTM system allows users to quickly sort the dashboard in a variety of ways to include; by date, ticket type, ticket status, location, and more.
- Status Updates: Locators, excavators, and facility owners can all quickly and easily update a ticket status using the ETM/LTM system.
- Upload Information: Users can upload notes, pictures, or any other relevant information for each individual locate request to assist other stakeholders.
- Submit/Update Request: Users can submit a new locate request or make updates to existing requests in one simple location.
The ticket management system is all about making the excavation process smoother, more organized, and efficient for all stakeholders in the digging process. Whether you’re filing new requests or managing existing ones, the ETM/LTM system provides the means to keep your team on track and up to date with any changes.