Member updates with Sarah Galbraith

Aug 1, 2023 12:33:52 PM | Summer 23

Member updates with Sarah Galbraith

Locate request retention. SAVE THE DATE for the Summit and Locate Rodeo!

Sarah's Commonly Asked Questions:

How long should a utility keep their locate requests?

The law does not address how long a utility should retain its locate request records. However, Chapter 319 does require Missouri 811 to maintain a record of each locate request for five years. If ticket data is needed, you can find it online in the ticket system for up to five years. Please note that even though Statute 319 does not dictate record retention, other state statutes may. For example, municipalities and water districts may have some mandatory record retention requirements.

Use the Live Chat feature or email if you need ticket search assistance.


The Summit and Locate Rodeo are coming up! Make plans to attend today!Summit_ILR_Cobranded_SaveTheDate2023_8.5x11


Missouri 811

Written By: Missouri 811