Locator Training with Jeff Trowbridge

Aug 1, 2023 12:33:27 PM | Summer 23

Locator Training with Jeff Trowbridge

There are some great opportunities remaining for Locator Training in the state of Missouri.

screencapture-subsurfacesolutions-2023-07-28-13_22_11Missouri 811 has teamed up with Subsurface Solutions to offer 12 free hands-on locator training courses throughout the Show-Me state this summer. Jeff Trowbridge, a 19-year veteran in the underground community, leads each class with the goal of providing insightful and practical lessons learned from the field while encouraging participants to share their best practices.

Attendees learn how to identify a grounding source, how to build a proper circuit to aid in a successful locate, locator theory, and troubleshooting steps to take to correct problems in the field. Each attendee is encouraged to bring their own locator device to the course so they are able to practice with the equipment that they use day to day.

In addition to the locator training provided by Jeff, representatives from Missouri 811 also provide an overview of the one-call process.

Visit this link to sign up for a free locator training session near you!


Missouri 811

Written By: Missouri 811