
Nov 17, 2022 10:36:11 AM | News

Andrea Fuhrer - New Damage Prevention Manager

Missouri One Call System is proud to welcome Andrea Fuhrer into the Damage Prevention Management Team.

Missouri One Call System is proud to welcome Andrea Fuhrer into the Damage Prevention Management Team. Andrea has over 15 years of experience in various facets of the locating industry. She is already proving to be a wonderful asset to our dedicated team.

With over 15 years of experience in the locating industry, Andrea started her career in dispatch. She eventually transitioned into locating and training, before also serving as a field coordinator for gas main services.

As the new DPM, Andrea is excited to expand her career and knowledge of this side of the industry, and to share that information with locators and excavators in Jackson County.

After working in the field for so many years, damage prevention is important to Andrea because her eyes have been opened to what can happen when people are careless with their digging, excavating and locating. Damages to buried utilities can have monumental impacts on individuals, families and communities. Her passion is in keeping the workers and citizens of Missouri safe around all underground utilities.

Andrea plans to help educate excavators and people in the excavation industry through comprehensive training and providing her knowledge of the industry.

Andrea is a wonderful asset to the Missouri One Call System team, and we can’t wait to see what great things she will do to help improve the locating process for excavators and citizens alike.

Contact Andrea to schedule free onsite job training.
Cell: 816-876-7330



Missouri One Call System

Written By: Missouri One Call System